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'Tipsy' alcohol gene 'could help curb alcoholism'

Posted by Lab Coat on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Experts say they have found a "tipsy" gene that explains why some people feel alcohol's effects quicker than others.

The US researchers believe 10% to 20% of people have a version of the gene that may offer some protection against alcoholism.

That is because people who react strongly to alcohol are less likely to become addicted, studies show...

For more of the article click here

Getting into Med School

Posted by Lab Coat on Saturday, October 16, 2010 , under | comments (0)

You do not necessarily need to do those tedious pre-med requirements to get into med schools these days. Many schools such as Mt. Sinai school of medicine admits a small number of students every year who have skipped all these requirements, including the MCAT exam. The program promises spots for about 35 undergraduates a year studying humanities or social sciences instead of the traditional pre-medical school curriculum. These undergraduates must have also maintained a 3.5 grade-point average.

Other schools have similar programs to this as well.

For more on this visit : The New York Times for the full article

Stony Brook Organic Chemistry 321

Posted by Lab Coat on Friday, October 8, 2010 , under , | comments (0)