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Ethidium Bromide Safety

Posted by Lab Coat on Monday, April 26, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

So I recently just put my bare hands into a tub of this on accident! Anyone that will take a Biology or Genetics Lab will probably come across this chemical.

Use: To detect nucleic acids in agarose gel's during electrophoresis.

Hazard: MUTAGEN!! when ethidium bromide makes its way into your cell it can slip in between your base pairs of DNA and affect replication and transcription .

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New Kind Of Fingerprint

Posted by Lab Coat on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 , under , , | comments (1)

The art of fingerprinting has been around since the early 1900's. To this day we still use Francis Glaton's (one of the first to discover) methods of dusting, reading, and comparing. However a new type of fingerprint is being researched for forensic use. As you know we all have millions of bacteria covering our body at any one time. It turn out this bacteria is unique to our own bodies and can be used to match people and create class evidence. Full story

Boron Treated Shirts

Posted by Lab Coat on , under , | comments (0)

Maybe superman wore one of these under his costume. This new breakthrough is a boron layered shirt that can stop a speeding bullet. This is done by dipping a t-shirt into a boron solution, then heating it in an oven at more than 1000C. What happens is the cotton fibers change into carbon fibers.The carbon fibers react with the boron solution and produce boron carbide - the same material used to make bulletproof plates in armored vests. The material is incredibly strong and flexible enough that it can be worn. It can also block ultraviolet rays, and possibly life-threatening neutron. Don't worry this won't be the last time you hear about this new boron coating technique. If they could do this to a t-shirt just imagine the possibilities.

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