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New Biodegradable Bone Screws

Posted by Lab Coat on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Finally a major step in recovery after a major injury has been removed. A new method of biodegradable screws has been created in order to help with injury recovery. This new screw encourages bone growth, so that a hole is not left in the spot where the bone was and eliminates the need to have multiple surgeries in order to remove the screws once the ailment has healed.

The screws take two years to completely biodegrade and does not leave a hole in the bone, like previous biodegradable screws formed of polylactic acid. This is a great step in the right direction, now only if they could finally finish developing wooden bones.

For more information on this:


Sonic Hedgehog Gene

Posted by Lab Coat on Monday, March 22, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Yes is true we all have a little Sonic in us! After a lengthy discussion with my Genetics Professor there is in fact a gene we all used at one point called Sonic Hedgehog. Mostly dealing with the development of limbs, Brain, and spinal cord. However it has also been shown to linked to so forms of cancer. This posses the question is it rite to name a gene after a fictional character or just for fun. How will people feel when they are told their sick due to Sonic Hedgehog?

Ever wonder if your tongue would really stick to a frozen flagpole?

Posted by Lab Coat on Thursday, March 18, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

I always saw this in cartoons as a kid, but always wanted to know if it was true. Here is the break down of what actually occurs, along with the thermal conductivities of everything going on. Just in case you do not want to actually look through the diagram, yes this can happen to you. So next time anyone tries to fool you with this cartoon trick, don't fall for it. You may be stuck there for a while.


15 Ways Science Will Kill Us

Posted by Lab Coat on Saturday, March 13, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Pretty interesting article about how we will doom ourselves.

Check it out: